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The usual model of healthcare delivery is for patients to go to the hospital to see a doctor and undergo various tests to confirm the diagnosis of a disease or to consult on a health problem. Unless it is an emergency, the patient usually needs to make an appointment with a doctor and then wait for a long time. Remote Patient Monitor (RPM) has revolutionized the way healthcare is delivered. If the patient is immobile, a family member or personal escort is also needed to get to the hospital. In this article, we will introduce TRANSTEK's 4G RPM weight scale.

What Is Remote Patient Monitoring?

Remote Patient Monitoring (RPM) is a method of applying sophisticated IT technology and sensing devices, etc. to assist in the delivery of healthcare services. In other words, medical services are delivered to the patient's home via an internet platform, or mobile communication technology. RPM devices can also assist in self-monitoring, guiding patients to follow rules, managing health processes, etc. for self-care purposes, without the need to go to the hospital to see a doctor, unless it is necessary. Family doctors or special caregivers can also assist in managing the health of chronically ill patients through RPM wearables and monitoring devices.

Real-Time Monitoring for Safety

Traditional patient weight monitoring often requires the personal attention of a healthcare professional, which not only increases workload, but also fails to reflect the patient's weight changes in real time. The 4G RPM weight scale, however, through the built-in sensors and 4G communication technology, is able to transmit the patient's weight data in real-time to the healthcare worker's mobile device. This immediacy not only improves work efficiency, but also ensures patient safety by responding quickly when abnormalities occur.

Data Analysis for Accurate Treatment

In addition to real-time monitoring, 4G RPM weight scale can also record the patient's weight history data and process it through professional data analysis software. Based on these data, healthcare professionals can more accurately understand the patient's physical condition and provide a strong basis for the development and adjustment of treatment programs. At the same time, patients can also view their weight data to better understand their health status and enhance their confidence in treatment.


Remote Consultation, Convenient Communication

With 4G RPM weight scale, patients and healthcare professionals can communicate with each other remotely. No matter where the patient is, as long as they have a mobile device with an internet connection, they can communicate with their healthcare provider at any time. This convenient way of communication not only reduces the cost of medical treatment for patients, but also improves the efficiency of medical resources.


The positive value of the 4G RPM weight scale is that it allows for continuous recording of vital signs as well as real-time monitoring, alerts and warnings of abnormal indicators, and statistical or analytical analysis of the patient's corresponding signs over a specific period of time. TRANSTEK's 4G wireless smart scale TeleRPM Scale Gen 2 provides remote patients with accurate weight data, which is connected to the health monitoring platform.


The remote weight wireless scale TeleRPM Scale Gen 2 is very important for patients with chronic diseases such as congestive heart failure (CHF), liver cirrhosis, and other obesity-related problems.


The 4G wireless smart scale TeleRPM Scale Gen 2 provides remote patients with accurate weight data, which is connected to the health monitoring platform. Stay connected and monitor your weight in real-time with our 4G RPM weight scale. Track your progress effortlessly and stay on top of your health goal.

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Leading provider of remote patient monitoring devices and device solutions.
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Zone A No.105 Dongli Road Torch Development District, Zhongshan City, Guangdong, 528437, China