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The COVID-19 caused serious damage to our world, but it also accelerated the adoption of remote telehealth as a secure alternative to physical reservation. In the past two years, one of the fields of telehealth has been firmly established, that is, remote monitoring.

An introduction to remote patient monitoring

Remote patient monitoring is a continuously developing field in the healthcare industry. It uses technology to collect patient data outside the traditional doctor's office or hospital environment, and can be used to collect various patient data, including vital signs, activity levels, etc. It is reported that by 2028, the global remote patient monitoring equipment market is expected to exceed 101 billion dollars. The growing popularity of chronic diseases such as diabetes and cardiovascular diseases has promoted the development of the market.

Technical elements of remote patient monitoring

RPM remote patient monitoring includes the following four technical elements: First, the wireless devices that enable communication between doctors and patients. Second, an application stores information related to medical records and updates it from time to time. Third, a tool for monitoring the health of patients and making corresponding comments. Fourth, a repository used to consolidate data from various sources (such as sensors, healthcare providers, and other storage applications).

Benefits of remote patient monitoring

Remote patient monitoring is an effective method for monitoring individuals or groups that cannot be monitored personally. In some cases, remote monitoring can be used to track a person's vital signs, such as blood pressure or pulse rate. Remote patient monitoring can also be used to monitor patients who are at risk of hypothermia or other medical conditions that require continuous attention.

TeleRPM BPM Gen 1 is a specifically designed FDA approved blood pressure monitor to serve patients who need Remote Patient Monitoring (RPM). It's cleared by FDA as a Class II Medical Device. Wireless BP Cuff measures the systolic, diastolic blood pressure, pulse rate, then quickly transmits accurate real-time data via encrypted 4G wireless technology to the healthcare platform.

1) Cost savings. The cost saving potential of remote patient monitoring solutions is huge. As a result, 69% of health care professionals listed remote patient monitoring as the largest reduction factor of overall cost. Remote monitoring enables patients to obtain professional diagnosis without spending time and money to go to the hospital or clinic for treatment. In addition, remote telehealth optimizes the time spent with patient as the data is available, there is no need to accept routine vital signs and problems. The accessibility of remote patient monitoring solution thus improves communication.

2) Improving patient safety. During the epidemic, the hospital became the center of infectious disease transmission. Therefore, online reservation becomes one of the safest options for obtaining professional consultation. Through remote monitoring of patients, doctors and nurses can monitor their patients at home, thus preventing individuals from infecting anything in the hospital.

Founded in 2002, Transtek is committed to multiple health fields such as remote health and chronic disease management, providing customers with medical-grade "RPM devices" and "cloud services". Transtek has established a co-branded solution named TeleRPM since 2022, it stands for Quality & Value which is the best of Transtek. TeleRPM is an integrated solution which includes cellular blood pressure monitor, cellular weight scale, cellular blood glucose meter and all-round BLE package with AnyHub solution.

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Leading provider of remote patient monitoring devices and device solutions.
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