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More and more studies support the use of telemedicine monitoring for adults with cardiovascular disease (CVD). In a recent report, the American Heart Association described how consistent blood pressure tracking and communication with healthcare providers can improve patient health and reduce the incidence of acute events and related hospitalizations. By limiting the demand for hospitalization, the implementation of telemedicine monitoring may also reduce the economic losses of CVD.

1. Telemedicine monitoring for cardiovascular disease

Telemedicine monitoring for CVD patients may have a positive impact on the mass and the health care system serving them. It is estimated that 121.5 million adults in the United States suffer from cardiovascular disease, which is expected to increase to 130 million by 2035. For a long time, it has been the main cause of global death. In addition, CVD is related to high financial costs. Five years ago, the average direct and indirect costs of CVD and stroke in the United States totaled $351.2 billion.

The benefits of telemedicine monitoring devices for patients with hypertension are particularly well documented. Many studies have found that telemedicine monitoring can reduce systolic and diastolic blood pressure better than standard care or self-monitoring. Some studies have shown that long-term use of telemedicine monitoring can promote improvement.

Telemedicine monitoring may also contribute to the early detection of atrial fibrillation and is recommended according to non randomized trials, although the results of randomized clinical trials are inconsistent. Similarly, based on systematic evaluation, telemedicine monitoring has proved that the hospitalization rate and mortality of adults with heart failure have decreased. However, data from randomized controlled trials are inconclusive. More data on telemedicine monitoring best practices are needed to evaluate the effectiveness of telemedicine monitoring over standard care in improving patient outcomes, especially for patients with atrial fibrillation and heart failure.

2. Telemedicine monitoring for disease management

Telemedicine monitoring allows you to play an active role in managing your condition. You will learn more about your health status, and controlling these regular health checks can make you feel more at ease. This consistent monitoring has improved the health status of patients and reduced the hospitalization rate and readmission rate. In addition, the use of telemedicine monitoring is related to the reduction of deterioration in COPD patients, the reduction of blood pressure in hypertensive patients, and the better regulation of blood glucose levels in diabetes patients.

In addition to these results, telemedicine monitoring has also increased the data available for diagnosis and expanded access to care, providing a tool for patients who may not be able to visit health care providers regularly to collect health information about them and share it with providers.

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