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On July 22 2019, a watch-type single-lead electrocardiogram ("ECG") wristband developed by Guangdong Transtek Medical Electronics Co., Ltd. (stock code: 300562) officially received China Food and Drug Administration ("CFDA") certification. It was reported that this product is the first ECG monitoring smartwatch in China to be awarded CFDA certification.

This single-lead ECG smart fitness wristband can warn and prevent cardiovascular diseases and is a significant contribution to the general and smart health solutions of Transtek Health. The product has an ECG monitoring function. If the user has a potential health risk, they can send their data to the doctor. The doctor can immediately analyze the patient's abnormal data from multiple perspectives and follow up more comprehensively on the patient's health status through the cloud platform.

This single-lead ECG wristband is a breakthrough product that will relieve the bottleneck of traditional medical systems, gradually pushing a monopolized medical resource onto the market and bringing a great benefit to many patients.

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Transtek (300562.sz) is a professional manufacturing service provider. From Concept-to-Volume, we are dedicated to providing quality design, solution and manufacturing services to top-notched brands worldwide for Medically Approved Products, Connected Healthcare Devices and Smart Wearable Technologies.

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