Health wearable technology is an emerging industry with great innovation potential in the future. With wearable devices becoming increasingly popular in the medical industry and consumers, the industry is developing rapidly.
There are already many types of health wearable devices on the market, which have various functions. Though consumer-centered devices are the most common, other devices are designed for the medical sector. Devices used by patients with diabetes can continuously monitor blood glucose with sensors placed under the skin and then connect to smart phones. As health wearable devices become more common, new medical functions of these devices will be further developed.
Health wearable technology brings great benefits to doctors. By using health wearable technology devices to monitor patient data for a long time, medical professionals can better understand the problems affecting patients. They can use this data to make more accurate diagnosis than before.
Applying health wearable technology can also save money in the health care system. It is estimated that 20 percent of all health care costs are due to lack of continuous exercise, lack of adequate sleep and addiction to alcohol, drugs and tobacco. By encouraging exercise and improving sleep quality, health wearing technology helps patients become healthier and reduce the pressure on the health care system.
In addition, some insurance companies recommend wider application of health wearable devices. When employees use wearable devices, employers will also benefit. According to a three-year study of employees using wearable devices, the number of sick days decreased by 44%.
A unique application of health wearable technology is that it can remotely monitor vulnerable patients. Although many people have used wearable devices to take care of their health, they also want a way to monitor the health of vulnerable family members. Researchers indicates they need equipment and services that can be used to care for family members such as children or elderly parents. Using healthy wearable technology is a efficient way for nursing personnel to monitor the high-risk elderly in the family.
Doctors can also use health wearable technology to monitor vulnerable patients. Patients can use wearable devices during surgery or when they go home after surgery to let doctors know their rehabilitation and ensure that no complications. This reduces the burden on the medical system, allowing patients to leave the hospital and go home, while still using wearable devices to pay close attention to their condition.